Today I was fortunate enough to see our community in action
and it brought an overwhelming feeling to my chest!
Let me back up for a moment, I currently serve on my church's Board of Missions.
For the past month, we collected donations for our local food bank.
I must say, I felt very proud this morning when I was loading my car with all the donations!
Way to go Immanuel!
(I'm thinking we need to do this more than once per year!)
If you recall from this my post, Spring Brings Friends, I had the guests bring non-perishable food items to be donated to this food bank as well.
The food we collected, I didn't personally deliver to the food bank, my husband did for me.
So I had no idea what to do or expect when I went today!
Needless to say, when I arrived the parking lot was pretty full of vehicles. There was a group of people standing at the front door, and a HUGE line of children at the other door!
As I waited for them to open, another pickup showed up with the pickup bed full of donations.
(Thanks to these guys for sticking around and helping me unload mine!)
It backed up to the door where the children had went in.
So I made my way over there, as I knew it must be the drop off area!
As I stepped inside I saw shelves of food, a conveyor belt, and people, and alot of CHILDREN!
The children brought donations as well and they began to SING Christmas carols.
It was very moving for me. In those few short moments it made quite the impact on me.
Volunteers smiling.
Sweet souls of young ones singing their hearts out.
Joy upon those spending their free time to help others.
Kindness was all around in that room, it just burst with it!
From those that volunteered, to those who donated food,
to those little children who sang with glee!
I was standing there waiting and I realized I had a smile upon my face.
The sight in those few moments was......
It looked beautiful to me.
It felt beautiful to me.
It was beautiful.
So this holiday season, if you feel inspired, give to your local food bank.
Through food, monetary, or time donation.
I'm sure you will have an impact and receive one as well!
Thanks for stopping by!
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