The drill had been ready to go for a few days and so was the farmer! I love to watch my husband in his element. Recently, he has had alot on his plate with construction sidejobs, farming, and being the father/husband he wants to be. But all the stresses seem to slide away, as he was preparing to do what he loves most. FARM.
I don't know if I can put it into words exactly what I see and how it makes us both feel but I'm going to try. First, the way my husband maneuvers a piece of large equipment or truck is amazing to me. He just has a talent, at least I think so. He can park a large grain drill right next to a feed bunk and not hit it or how about when he turns the large tractor and drill around in a small farmyard. He makes it all look pretty simple, but in reality it's not always simple to be a farmer. I guess it comes from years and years of practice.
As he goes through each step of preparing to drill soybeans, I watched him not only interact with his father, but his daughter as well. All while keeping his cool and not missing a step.
I took this last photo, posted it as our cover photo on Facebook, and it blew up! It was shared (as of right now) 126 times. That's the most activity we have ever had on our page, and I'm grateful. It also gave us more followers which is a wonderful way to share our story and life on the farm!
But mostly I am grateful because the photo and words are true. Many lessons are taught and received next to a tractor or drill or combine or in a pickup while checking cattle. They will be passed down for generations. Respect for machinery, animals, and the soil. Safety, values, and conduct being a few others learned.
PV played on the drill and surrounding area while her Dad prepared the drill for planting. She likes to go up to the top of the drill and hang out. We took this opportunity for a photo shoot! :) She is hilarious isn't she?? And what farm kid doesn't love popsicles!
Milton was able to get some of the soybeans planted. He finished the field the next day. He had to call me as he ran short on soybeans. There wasn't much left to plant, so we decided to get 3 buckets of beans to take to the field. PV decided to snap a few photos while waiting in the pickup!

I loved the fact that I was at home and able to help Milton with the farming. That PV got to see us working together.
One of my favorite photos from this day is this one. I'm proud to be a farm wife and mother, I'm proud to be raising a farm daughter. Even though this photo was taken at the end of the day, with crazy hair, and hardly any makeup on, it's still special. Special because the smiles on our faces tell it all!
We received more rain today and we are very thankful. Although all our soybeans are not in, we are ok with it. We need the rain something awful and either way we know that God will provide for us!
Thanks for stopping by!
128! Sooo glad you got some rain and I have to say, kinda like the no make-up look and PV's hair is outstanding! How are the chicks doing? Did you end up getting more this year?
ReplyDeleteThe chickens are laying alot of eggs currently! We didn't get more this year, but I"m thinking next year we will! :) Thanks for commenting!