Wednesday, October 2, 2013

No Matter the Occupation- Human Appreciation

As I drove to my class in the darkness of the early morning today, I wrote an entire blog post in my head.  I can only hope I can recall all that I wanted to say, now that I am in the daylight and in front of my laptop!  I'm not so sure now that I read it a couple times, but I'm posting it anyway! :) 

First I would like to throw in a disclaimer, this post is my opinions and of course stem from my own personal experiences.

I'd like to talk about human appreciation, occupations, and ministers that have played a role in my life.  It's Ministry Appreciation Month so inspiration came from that!

First we will begin with N.  Although I haven't spoke directly to him in a few years, he was present in my life during one of my families most life changing events.  He brought to our lives comfort, advice, and support. I am thankful for this and the fact I was able to call him my Pastor.

The second one is J.  She is one of those people that can get you talking about yourself, and you forget to ask about her and how her life is.  She can listen and then ask the most interesting questions to make you think.  She also has a heart that is full of peace and compassion, she welcomes all into her church, her home, or her life no matter who or what you are. I am thankful to have called her my Pastor.

The third minister is S.  When I think of him, the words "teaching giant" come to mind.  I mean that in the kindest way possible, he is a tall individual.  Although he teaches often and significantly, the things that come to mind most when in his midst are the following. The manner in which he is with his wife and children.  I see a man that has the upmost respect for his wife and you can see his devotion to the woman God provided for him quite clearly. His caring yet protective heart for his children in teaching them to about not only God, but how to have fun in life.  An example that is one of high quality for me and my family. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to call him Pastor.

There have been other Pastor's that have influenced, led me, helped me in my life through youth group events, music, mission trips, and worship. There is one thing that seems to always be in mind throughout my interactions with people of this occupation.

Those of the occupation of ministry, although their calling was something pretty special, they are still humans.  They are still like me.  (and you)

They are children of God.

They have families.

They have children's ball games to attend.

They have stresses of daily life.

They like a good joke and a fun song to dance to.

They have aging parents.

They are sinners.

They are forgiven.

They are loved.

They worry if they are being the best parent or spouse they can be.

They are blessings.

They make mistakes.

They start over.

They ask for forgiveness.

You get the idea, right? 

Let's keep in mind they are doing all the things I listed above and more while caring for their congregations.

I'm sure I don't need to remind you that a Pastor's job isn't only performed on Sundays. 

Or do I?

I hope not.

Some people hold ministers to a higher standard.  Perhaps they should be, but through my eyes it comes down to respect and remembering they are humans.
All humans make mistakes and they also can excel in life.

Whether you are in the occupation of ministry, farming, insurance, stay at home mother, or any other trade, its about the same thing. (At least in Julie's little world!)

I do not necessarily agree 100% with my friends the ministers above.  I also don't agree 100%  with my husband the farmer, my friend the stay at home mother or my insurance agent! Are you giggling at that one?  I hope so! :)

My point is, I respect all these people, and I try to keep that at the forefront of my mind that they are human.

The reason I try to remember that is because I want them to feel that way about me.  You can agree to disagree and still respect someone I think.

This month is Ministry Appreciation Month.  So, if you are in the presence of a minister.  Give them a hug, pat them on the back, send them a note of gratitude, or just smile at them.

And their families, I feel is an extension of ministry.  They sacrifice and benefit a great deal from having a minister in their family.  They'd probably enjoy a hug too!

Isn't making another's life better, one of the things we are called to do on a daily basis? 

Thanks for stopping by!
Julie the Human
(mistake maker, devoted mom/wife, sinner, God lover, etc!)

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