This year life on the farm is a little different than it was a year ago as I showed in Interactions-Photos-Soybean Planting. Although we had moisture then, we have had much more this year! The soybeans have not been planted at all. We have had about 8 inches of rain since the beginning of May.
The time will come when it's dry enough to plant and we won't see much of Milton at that time. We have about 90 acres of soybeans to plant right now. Then more after wheat harvest, which is fast approaching. Then there is Grain sorghum or milo will be in June.
The moisture we have received has brought our wheat crop to a good place, yet some is getting water logged and laying down. One doesn't like to complain too much, but I'm thankful for the sunshine that has made it's appearance on a few days this past week. Too many cloudy days makes for a grumpy farm wife.
I wanted to put some photos from the farm on this post. I hope you enjoy them and know that recording these times of year is important. Some people list how much rainfall was received on their calendars. We are signed up with
Farmlogs and get an email each time it rains on a piece of land we farm. We find this to be a good resource for more than watching moisture. Our acres of crops are pretty close in proximity but are still get different amount of moisture at times.
I hope you enjoyed our post today! Have a great rest of the week and thanks for stopping by!
Wheat field - June 1st Irrigated |
Things just got real on the blog! I'm sharing a photo of me in a tank top and working! |
Our farm dog Charlie was right along with us when we picked up irrigation! |
A family that farms together stays together! |
Our little farmer in the wheat field! |
Our wheat is beginning to turn, too, especially after yesterday with warm temperatures and wind. Ready or not, here it comes!