This is our Alfalfa field.
From this view, you really can't see the Alfalfa.
Here is a close up shot and it is just in the beginning stages of growing.
My farmer husband asked me if I wanted to go out on this cool beautiful morning
and help him pick up rocks and other miscellaneous items from this field.
He had went a couple weeks ago and started the job.
This was his load that first time.
Even though it involved manual labor, I jumped at the opportunity to
spend time with him and have some adult interaction.
Staying home, although I've been busy, there isn't much conversation with
anyone until about 4:30 each day!
The bonus of walking the field gave me more "steps" and enabled
me to get exercise which isn't a bad thing.
I am hoping the bending over works the waistline! :)
You might be wondering why we would bother to even clean up the rocks
and debris in a field. The reason is that these types of items,
if ingested into a piece of machinery, could really damage the machine.
There used to be an old oil disposal well in this field, so that is why there are such items there.
We hire someone to swath our Alfalfa, but even if we did it ourselves we would want to do this type of field maintenance.
Our load isn't too bad for an hour or so of work.
We found rocks, metal, golfballs, and even a piece from an old Clorax brown glass bottle.
So you know that has been around for awhile!
So did you find this post interesting? Did you learn anything new?
Our lives are in a transition period right now, but it's a good thing.
Life is full of treasures and sometimes they are found amongst a bunch of rocks,
in a field, on a cool morning with my honey!
Thanks for stopping by!
That's a whole lotta steps. You must be really tired! :)