Friday, June 13, 2014

Coffee with the Savior - So Good to See You - Chapter 3

“and come…..”  Jeremiah 29:12

Friendships can begin in a variety of ways.  I have had friendships that began in any of these manners:

·         Introduction from another friend.
·         Out of fear (Freshman year, new large school, petrified face, someone took pity on me!)
·         Because I joined a group/club or served on a committee.
·         Came into my work and I waited on them.

Today, any of these friends, when I see them, it brings warmth and happiness to me.  When we meet we might complement one another on a haircut, new purse, or just how glad we are to be together.  Connecting with friends is something that is cherished.  Our best friends, we make sure to nurture and appreciate, so they continue to stay connected and grow.

Do we see our friendship with God in the same way? Do we give it the level of importance or excitement that we do our best friendships?  Do we compliment God the way we do our best friends? I find myself at this point unable to answer yes to all those questions.

Let us take a look at someone who is a wonderful example for us.  Moses.  You can read in depth here.  (Exodus 3)

God made himself aware to Moses through a burning bush.  Moses, although afraid and unsure made a bold statement.   “Here I am.”  This statement is simple, yet it offers great praise to God.

Honoring God comes from praising and worshiping him, you can find in Psalm 96:4 instruction that this is essential in our life with Him.

The author of our bible study instructs us that we can praise God for all He has done, is doing and will do. Here are a few examples for each of those.

Has Done
God left Heaven & came to earth as Jesus – for us to save us.

What He is doing
Continued creation.
Love of others.
Love from Him.

What He will do
The gift of one day no tears, no pain, taking all believers home to be with Jesus Christ.

Personally I had never really thought about complimenting God at the beginning of my prayers as we would a friend.  I like the idea, how do you feel about it? 

Praying to God can seem intimidating, (at least I used to feel that way a lot)  but you can start with conversation.  Just like with your friends.  If you have the personality that you like to have a guide, you can find a good one here.  My friend Heather  writes this blog and about half way down it talks about ACTS.

I want to share a prayer with you.  One I wrote the morning after our bible study class on Monday night.  I hope it inspires you to pray to God and give Him the praise He so deserves.  After writing it, my mood turned from being in a funk to feeling wonderful.  I pray the same happens to you when you try it!

Thanks for stopping by and we will see you next week!

Gracious Father, you are:

The giggle in my youngest daughter’s laugh.

The sweet scent of lilacs.

The first bite of brownies with pecans.

The long lasting hugs from my Father’s embrace.

The wind in my hair on the back of the Yamaha.

The strength seen in my Mother.

The camaraderie between my  two older daughters.

The take my breath away moments in the sunrises and sunsets.

The driven passion I see about harvest time.

The elderly one’s stories of days gone by.

The united feeling I feel on Sunday mornings with others of our part of the body of Christ.

The voice of my granddaughter saying Grandma Julie.

The coziness of my freshly made bed with clean linens.

The feeling in my chest when I witness the one I love farming.

The photographs (both real and in my mind) of grandchild and grandparent interacting.

The card or note in the mailbox.

The warmth quiet time in my bathtub.

The friends that listen even when I’m rambling or over thinking.

The joy in my heart as I create in my kitchen.

The text or call just to say hi from another.

The laughter of family and memories re-visited.

The moments I serve others.

The safe place I find in my spouse’s arms.

My Father, these things come directly from you and when I experience them I feel so content.  As if I am literally in your loving arms.  Thank you for creating me, creating this life for me, sending your Son to die for my sins, and tenderly loving me like no other. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.



  1. Ooo. Good one. Love the prayer. I could see you using that in say, a Bible study situation! :) Very nice post, Julie! Beautiful.


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