Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chicken Run - Part 1 - The Chirp Chronicles

This evening Milton and PV decided they needed to work on the area that will be the Chirp's "run".  
This is where they will be able to run around outside the coop.  

We are using our old dog kennel, a good farmer always "reuses" you know!  
That is why most of them have stuff in their sheds from 50 years ago!  :)  
He will put a "roof" on it to keep the other critters away from our chirps!

PV isn't old enough to drive the tractor yet, 
but she was supervising today in her trusty seat next to Dad!

They used a speedmover to pull dirt out and level the ground.  

We had to unload the kennel once the ground was more level.

We put the dog kennel in front of the coop.
For now we just set it there, Milton has to cut a door for the Chirps to get out into the pen.
He will also put a "roof" on it of some sort.

Check out our Chicken Farmer!
Every good farmer has a trusty pair of gloves!
I found these jersey type in our local Walmart Garden Center.
She LOVES them, in fact she wears then more often than needed! 

And of course the Stars of this Show!

I think they are starting to look like chickens now! :)
More feathers, more fat!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Our farmers think alike! We used our old dog kennel to complete our pig pen!


Thanks for stopping by!