Sunday, May 12, 2013

Celebrating Children

I'm the mother of these three ladies.

In honor of Mother's Day, I decided I would celebrate my children.

These three ladies, God entrusted to me to raise, guide, teach, and let go.

Two of them have become adults, so my mothering for
 them has changed compared to their little sister.

I celebrate that this one has become a strong woman and provides for her daughter.
Her smile has always been a beautiful thing and she loves to cook!
I'm proud of her for many reasons!
She was my first born, she was the one that was my "test run" so to speak!

I pray for her daily.

This is one of my favorite pictures of her.
She is expecting our little "E" in this photo!

This one I celebrate the woman she is becoming.  She has always been laid back and quite talented in arts and crafts.  She doesn't live near, but I feel our relationship 
is turning into something pretty cool.  She has grown so much in the past year. 
I am proud of her for handling whatever life throws at her!

I pray for her daily.


I celebrate this one in regards to the fact that she has come to embrace the Lord. 
 She is like a sponge and she is teaching her mother along the way.  
I am proud of her for, what seems to be a daily act, of her
 holding the grade school door for other people. 

I pray for her daily.

While celebrating the uniqueness of each one of my daughters, I cherish 
what I didn't know before, 
what I value in our current relationships, 
what I miss (ed), and 
what will be in the future.

Being their Mother has had many ups and downs, joys and disappointments, worries and exciting moments.  I learned after the first two were almost out of the house, God only loaned them to us for awhile.  The intent was for me to teach and let them go. 
 I wish I would have known that sooner, but I can still do my best from this point forward.

I am thankful for these three ladies.
I am thankful to be their Mom.

Best part is..... I know have the title of Grandma.


Grand Dogs too! "K" babies!

Moments in Life with my Ladies!

Thanks for stopping by today!

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