Saturday, February 8, 2014

Simpler Life

I find myself longing for a simpler life.  When I look back I see it really 
started kicking in when we moved to the farm.  With each passing month, 
small hints would creep into my mind here and there.

Most of my life I've been the type of person that needed to have everything planned out, leave on time 10 minutes earlier than needed, and when that didn't occur, well you can imagine what occurred.  Just ask my older children and dear hubs!  
As the years went by, I have become more lax with things.  

The addition of PV, studying the bible, influences of new friends,
 reading and growing my knowledge, moving to the farm, and marrying my hubs, 
have all been factors in this more relaxed state of mind.

Don't get me wrong, I still over exaggerate on occasion, flip out excessively at times, and blow when we aren't in the car 10 minutes before we need to leave, but it's less.  Way less.
I promise, ask my hubs! :)

When I came across this song last night it really took me back to when I grew up, and made me smile.  It took me to the little episodes of my childhood that weren't bad or damaged.  
It gave me a warm feeling, and I thought, boy is this song true.

The other thing about this song I love so much is that it reminds me of my husband.
He's truly a simpler soul.
He prefers the Rand McNally to the GPS we have.
He prefers to pay cash for things than write a check or use a card.
He definitely knows how to drive a stick.
There's nothing "Automatic" about my man of choice.
And that's pretty awesome in this day & age!
He keeps me grounded.

Living on the farm is a benefit of a simpler life.
It's not easy work for my husband by any means, but it's a simpler life.
I'm not a money driven individual, and either is my spouse.
We have many blessings, but most are from the smiles from our daughters, giggles from our grandaughter, time with our friends, and a decent harvest a couple times a year.
Homemade food in our kitchen brings delight to our souls.
Entertaining others is such a high for me, who needs anything else!

Spring will be here before we know it, and the crops greening up 
will bring our nightly rides to inspect the fields in the "mule".
Simple entertainment for our young daughter.
May these days be the bright moments of her life 
when she is grown and looks back.
I hope she sees a simple time.

My sister and I at our farm.  See my boots! :) 

What is your favorite memory or time from long ago?
When things were less automatic?

Thanks for stopping by!

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